The Whistleblower Protection Blog’s most popular posts during the past year covered a wide range of whistleblower topics including court victories improving whistleblower rights, the introduction of new whistleblower legislation,  and the Congressional celebration honoring whistleblowers.

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Here are the top 10 posts of 2015, in order of popularity:

  1. Big Win For Whistleblowers At Labor Department;
  2. House Passes Bill to Expand Protections for Federal Employees Against Discrimination;
  3. Appeals Court Rules That KBR Can Keep Evidence Of Contract Fraud Secret;
  4. House Investigation Reveals Commerce IG’s Pattern of Retaliation Against Whistleblowers;
  5. Senators Honor Whistleblowers at First Congressional Celebration of National Whistleblower Day;
  6. Court of Appeals Rules NSA Domestic Surveillance Program Illegal;
  7. SEC Sanctions KBR for Illegal Non-Disclosure Agreement;
  8. Tax Court Delivers Victory For Tax Whistleblowers;
  9. IRS Whistleblower Program Releases 2014 Report to Congress;
  10. NWC Releases Press Statement Regarding FBI Crime Lab Errors.