The National Whistleblower Center recently met with legislative aides for Members of the Japanese Diet and a delegation of distinguished leaders from Kazakhstan.  The purpose of these meetings was to educate the foreign officials on how whistleblowers are protected in the United States and the challenges that whistleblowers face.

Stephen M. Kohn, Executive Director of the National Whistleblower Center led the meetings.  Mr. Kohn’s presentation included a discussion of the National Whistleblower Center’s recent report “Whistleblower Reward Programs: An International Framework for the Detection of Corruption and Illegal Bribery” which sets forth the framework for a highly successful international whistleblower rewards program. The report also documents how whistleblowers are key to the detection of fraud and misconduct and how reward programs are remarkably successful.

Mr. Kohn stressed the need for increased international whistleblower protections and how NGOs and citizens of foreign countries can use the protections created under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act to battle corruption.

The National Whistleblower Center recently announced that it is prepared to work with anti-corruption activist and dedicated government officials worldwide to help build effective anti-corruption programs.

Mr. Kohn stated, “The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enhances the ability of citizens and NGOs to prevent bribery of government officials.”

In the past Mr. Kohn has had held similar meetings and educational conferences from officials from Indonesian, Belize, Botswana, Brazil, Cambodia, Croatia, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Ghana, India, Iraq, Jordan, Latvia, Lesotho, Macedonia, Nigeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Slovakia, Tanzania, United Kingdom and Venezuela.

For information about the National Whistleblower Center’s International program and its resources contact