In today’s editorial, the New York Times expresses concerns about the targeted surveillance of whistleblowers at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The editorial recounts the claims made by six scientists and physicians who raised concerns about the safety and effectiveness of devices approved by higher FDA officials. FDA managers then began a campaign of targeted surveillance that included the installation of special software to capture every image that appeared on the computer screens of these whistleblowers. The editorial notes how the FDA managers sought criminal charges against the whistleblowers.  When that failed, the FDA began firing them. The editorial acknowledges how Sen. Charles Grassley warned FDA officials that interfering in a congressional investigation is against the law. The editorial then urges that if the whistleblowers’ claims are true, the managers responsible are the ones who should be punished.

If you agree that targeting whistleblowers with invasive surveillance is wrong, you can TAKE ACTION. You can read more about the landmark case brought by these FDA whistleblowers here.