The National Whistleblowers Center (NWC) could not get so much done this year without the help of this inspiring group of interns. If you are a graduate or undergraduate student interested in an internship here, contact our Program Director Estelle Kohn.

NWC Interns 2010-04-01Pictured here are (top row) Ryan, Jacqueline, Phil and Tom; (next row) Amy, Montana and Peter; (next row, on left side) Amanda and Su; and (bottom row) Lauren, Sako, Ardeth and Kylie. Thank you for your dedication to the whistleblower cause this semester.

Here is another photo of our interns taken 2010-04-29:

NWC interns 2010-04-29


















Top row: Phil, Jacqueline, Peter. Next row: Michael (not an intern), Amy, Tom. Next row: Ryan, Amanda, Sako. Front row: Quinn, Montana, Lauren, Kylie, Ardeth, Su.